Journaling in Your 30s, start to journal, journaling tips, journal promts, adult journals, adult journaling, self care practice, self love practice

5 Reasons to Start Journaling in Your 30s

When you hear journaling you may have flashbacks to your younger self writing your deepest darkest secrets in your password journal – and those deep dark secrets were the most ridiculous things you have ever wrote down in your life, yet they mattered so much to you. As juvenile as journalling may seem it is something that has so much value as you get older.

Maybe you have the urge to get creative and start writing down experiences of thoughts your having. Maybe you feel stuck and need an outlet to not only express yourself but help keep your thoughts in order. Regardless of what it is, journaling in your 30’s is something that is great to pick up! I mean we love activities that take us away from screen time right?

Here are a 4 reasons to start journaling as an adult :

Goal Setting

Back when I was younger, I thought my entire life would be together by the time I turned 30 and everything would be sunshine and rainbows – spoiler alert it’s not. Regardless of if it’s a long term goal or a short term goal, journalling can help you explore your goals and work through your thoughts on how to accomplish them. Another benefit of journaling in your 30’s is that journaling helps you hold yourself accountable for the goals that you do set.

Self Reflection

Having a moment to reflect on a situation – it can be work based, relationship based, family based, anything really – can be the difference between having emotions fester or acknowledging a situation and growing from it. Journaling allows you to do just that by freely writing your thoughts and emotions on paper. Having a self reflection moment in your 30’s is so valuable because as we all know, every single day we learn and grow and evolve and people.


Sometimes having a place where you can write down your thoughts helps you un-jumble all the chaos that is rotating in your brain on a daily basis. I don’t know about you but between work, my relationship, friendships, finances, and everything else in between, my brain is constantly spinning with thoughts and trying to process all of the things that are happening at once. Being able to journal your thoughts freely allows you to release some thought space and begin to see things a little more clearly than you did before.

Memory Preservation

Journaling in your 30’s can act as a memory log – what did you do? who did you do it with? how did you feel about it? would you like to have similar experiences again? Journaling is totally freeform in the face that. you can write about whatever you want however you want. In my 30’s I started going on more adventures and travels, experiencing new cultures, and going through situations that I never thought I would – journaling allows you to not only process events but have them documented. Also who doesn’t love revisiting old journal entries? I always get a kick out of revisiting journal entries my younger self wrote.

Personal Growth

Combine all of the reasons above and you can see that journaling in your 30’s is the ultimate recipe for personal growth. At it’s core journaling allows for you to release emotions or thoughts, see situations through new lenses, and set intentions or goals to continue working towards becoming the best you that you can be. I don’t know about you but I think that your 30’s are the perfect time to continue evolving!

Tips on How to Start Journaling in Your 30s

Find a Journal that Speaks to You

Nothing is more motivating than wanting to reach for a journal with a design or a color that just makes you want to pick it up and start writing. Here are some of my favorites :

Pink Sun Journal
Textured Teal Chunky Journal
Tarot ‘The Lovers’ Journal
Funky Flower Journal
Water Color Pages Journal

Add Journaling into Your Routine

Building out a routine is such a great way to add structure to your day but also to ensure that you are taking some me-time and practicing self love throughout your day. Whether it be in the morning and gratitude journaling to start your day on the right foot or by add journaling to your nighttime routine to decompress after a day’s events, you can can incorporate journaling into your daily routine by simply setting 5-10 minutes aside daily.

Research Journal Prompts

In your 30’s you are constantly playing a balance game of all the things that are going on in your life, the last thing you want to do is think of things to write about in your journal. Don’t even stress over that because there are guided journals but there are also many outlets, including my blog, that share journal prompts for you to explore. A quick google search can turn up 100’s of ideas on what to write about! Here is one of my previous blogs on journal prompts – Journal Prompts for January

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Unleash the Power of Positive Affirmations & The Benefits of Embracing Positivity

Positive affirmations have been around for decades, and for good reason. They have the power to change our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes and improve our overall well-being. By repeating positive affirmations, we can train our minds to focus on the good in our lives, rather than dwelling on negative thoughts and emotions.

Through practice and embedding positive affirmations into your daily life, you have the power to unlock a new wave of positive energy and happiness into your life. If you are new to affirmations, here are some benefits that you may experience from adding positive affirmations into your daily routine or self care practice.

Improved Self-Esteem

Positive affirmations help us to reframe negative self-talk and replace it with positive and empowering beliefs. By doing this, we can boost our self-esteem, confidence, and overall sense of self-worth.

Increased Happiness

Positive affirmations help to shift our focus from negative experiences and emotions to the good in our lives. As we start to focus more on positivity, we experience an increase in happiness and overall life satisfaction.

Better Mental Health

Positive affirmations have been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. By training our minds to focus on positivity, we can improve our mental well-being and reduce stress and worry.

More Resilience

Positive affirmations help us to develop a growth mindset and become more resilient in the face of adversity. By embracing positivity, we can develop the mental toughness and determination needed to overcome challenges and reach our goals.

Improved Physical Health

Positive affirmations have been linked to improved physical health, including a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of chronic illness. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, we can improve our overall health and well-being.

Journaling Positive Affirmations: A Tool for Self-Improvement and Mental Wellness

As we know, positive affirmations are statements that are meant to boost our self-esteem and motivate us to achieve our goals. They are a tool for self-improvement and mental wellness, helping us shift our focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. One of the best ways to incorporate positive affirmations into our daily routine is through journaling.

3 Reasons Why Journaling Positive Affirmations is Effective

  1. It helps to shift negative thoughts and beliefs.

When we journal our positive affirmations, we are taking control of our thoughts and beliefs. By actively focusing on positive affirmations, we can shift our focus away from negative self-talk and towards a more positive mindset.

  1. It promotes self-awareness and personal growth.

Journaling our affirmations allows us to reflect on our progress and identify areas where we need to improve. This self-awareness leads to personal growth, helping us to achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.

  1. It creates a record of our progress.

Journaling our affirmations allows us to track our progress over time. We can look back on our journal entries and see how far we have come, which can be a powerful motivator to continue our self-improvement journey.

How to Start Journaling Positive Affirmations

Journaling our affirmations allows us to track our progress over time. We can look back on our journal entries and see how far we have come, which can be a powerful motivator to continue our self-improvement journey. Journaling takes many forms and incorporating affirmations into your current journaling routine can help elevate your journal game! If you are new to the idea of journaling, here are some tips for journaling beginners!

  1. Choose a journal and pen that you love.

Having a journal and pen that you love will make the process of journaling more enjoyable and enjoyable experiences tend to be more sustainable. This is my favorite step. If you have a journal you love, it makes setting aside time and feeling inspired to journal so much easier. Journals take many forms and the right journal for you will just make sense, you might even feel like its drawing you in! Check out some of my favorite journals to inspire here!

  1. Choose your affirmations.

Select affirmations that resonate with you and your goals. These can be affirmations related to self-love, confidence, motivation, or any other area of your life that you would like to improve. Selecting affirmations for your day, month, or year is a fun process. It involved reflection and forward thinking to help you create a direction that you want to take your life. Affirmations can help bring positivity to your day, but they can alway help you create a path for where you want to be. Check out some of my past blogs with some affirmations you can incorporate into your daily routine.

  1. Set aside time each day to journal your affirmations.

It is important to make journaling your affirmations a daily habit. Set aside a few minutes each day to focus on your affirmations and reflect on your progress. Whether that means adding affirmations to your morning or nighttime routine or even setting a reminder on your phone. Making sure you have the time and respect the time you set aside makes all the difference in incorporating affirmations to your life and making them a repeatable practice.

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to Journal - Journaling for Beginners, Journal Tips, journal Prompts, buying a journal, finding a journal

To Journal, or Not to Journal | 10 Journaling Tips for Beginners

Journaling is more than teenage girls writing stories about their dream boyfriends or drama they are facing at school. …Even though they are hysterical to read when you’re older!

Journaling is a tool that is very commonly used by adults and is a common self-care practice. Disconnecting for a few minutes and writing down your thoughts and feelings on things that happen or what you hope to happen can be therapeutic. Journaling can remove your thoughts from the chaotic lives we all live for a few moments.

If you’re thinking about starting a journal – don’t let the stereotypical image of a middle school girl deter you from jumping into this self care practice.

Journaling is a powerful self care practice that not only releases energy and thoughts that may become stagnant, but also can become an outlet that drives change and steers the direction we ultimately take our lives.

Writing in a journal also acts as a time capsule that holds not only what memories you have but all the emotions that go along with it. Reading through an old journal is like reminiscing on old times – you experience the good and the bad all over again.

Imagining having all of your lessons and favorite memories stored in one place? If you are looking to start a journal as a beginner, or thinking to journal or not to journal, here are some great tips for a journaling. beginner!

10 Journaling Tips for Beginners

1. Don’t Get Down if You Miss a Day

Yes it would be amazing to have a true daily journal, I’m sure there are tons of people out there that do. If you skip a day, it’s ok.

Some days you will be feeling it and other days you will want nothing to do with it. Part of learning how journaling fits into your life and what value it ultimately provides you is by doing and learning.

But the most importance thing to remember is that you should not get down on yourself if you miss a day. Your journal will not be mad at you and it will be ready to pick back up whenever you are.

2. Pick a Journal that Excites You

Getting motivated and excited to journal helps you remain consistent. Having a journal that speaks to you or moves you can really make the difference between picking up the book to write or skipping a day.

There are so many different types of journals – from colors, to lines, to sizes, to formats. I personally love to go to TJ Maxx to shop for journals. They typically have a really large selection and a wide variety of options. They also have recently had a lot of guided journals which I think is an awesome way to get into this self care practice.

I create a little Amazon Storefront that I update frequently with journals that I find that I think have personality! These are a wide variety of journals that can speak to many different people. So you may hate some, or fall in love with one – but that’s the beauty of finding a journal it only has to speak to you and you don’t have to have a reason why! You can check out the Journal selection here!

3. Find What Type of Journaling Works Best for You

There are so many types of journaling and it’s important to know that there is not just one way to journal. Frankly, for whatever you are trying to get out of journaling, there is a journal type for you. Here are a few different types of journaling that may be worth trying.

Bullet Journaling – A type of journaling that relates directly to organization and organizing your life – structuring your to-dos, goals, reminders, even brainstorming. Writing all in bullets, no full sentences means this is perfect for someone who may not have the most time, but needs to add some structure or productivity to their life.

Gratitude Journaling – This is a practice where you document everything you are grateful for. Not only does that serve as a great reflection practice, but it also keeps your mindset positive and focused on the good things that you currently have. No matter how bad a day, you can always find something to be grateful for.

Dream Journaling – Document you dreams! This type of journaling serves as a ledger for your nightly dreams or even waking dreams. Tie in the emotions you felt as well to truly release all the energy from the experience.

Travel Journaling – A type of journaling where you write about your experiences from trips you have taken, favorite spots, not-so-favorite spots, new things you learned, and new experiences you had.

Creative Journaling – This journaling practice is where you mix both words and art on the same document. Doodling, drawings, color, and words. This is a great way to express yourself if words do not come as easily as you would of hoped

4. You Don’t Have to Write the Same Amount Every Entry

Some days you’ll be a fire and ready to write a small novel, while other days you are going to be lucky it you can form together 2 sentences. Setting a word count or minimum page count for journaling may not do you good.

You may just ramble on to simply put words on a paper that divert from what you are actually trying to do. When you think about, sometimes one powerful sentence says a whole that more than 3 pages of fluff. It’s ok if you get all your thoughts or feelings out in a few sentences and it’s also okay if it takes multiple pages! Each day is different which means each journal entry will be different.

Instead or trying to hit a number of journal pages or words, try using a timer, maybe try journaling for 15 minutes – at 5 minutes you’re still blanking, you can use those remaining 10 minutes to meditate or to stretch. That way you are still taking time for yourself and not beating yourself up because you aren’t journaling the amount you imagined.

5. Your Journal Doesn’t Have to be a Physical Journal

Journals have evolved so much. Look back to movies when you were in middle school and high school – someone sitting on their bed with their journal with a matching pen, writing out all their deepest darkest secrets. Now journals can be in all different sorts of mediums!

I mean you could even consider this blog a journal, right? Journals can be digital or physical. You can type your entries or you can hand write them. You can even make a bullet journal using the notepad on your cell phone.

Wherever you choose to start your journal is 100% up to you and should be one that be aligns with how you will feel comfortable consistently writing entries. As someone on the go, I tend to love using my phone for bullet journaling and organization because on the fly I will need to figure out a plan and calm the million of thoughts running through my head. I also keep a physical gratitude journal because I think it is super powerful to physically write those entries. It’s also enjoyable to pick back up and read through!

Moral of the story is there is not one right way to start a journal!

6. Add Journaling to Your Morning Routine or Nighttime Routine

In order to promote consistency in entries, adding journaling to your daily routines is a great way to ensure you make the time for this self care practice every day (or whatever cadence you want). With how busy we all are, it can be easy to let self care practices, like journaling, slip through the cracks if we do not pre-plan the time.

Adding journaling to your morning routine means you can start the day off by writing what you hope to accomplish and acknowledging your goals. It also gives you the ability to reflect on what may have happened the day before and how that will steer your day today. Adding journaling to your nighttime routine allows you to document your day and serves as an action that triggers the end of the day and that it is time to wind down.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Carry Your Journal with You

You know what you shouldn’t be ashamed of? Journaling. Carry your journal with you! Sometimes you may want to put some thoughts on paper in the middle of the day or there was a situation that you just can’t get out of your head and need to release it.

Just because you added journaling into your morning routine or nighttime routine, doesn’t mean you can’t journal at any moment in time.

8. Make Sure Journaling Doesn’t Become a Chore

Journaling is an act of self care and even an act of self love. It is time we take for ourselves to be exactly what we need it to be. Number 1 piece of advice for journaling beginners is to enjoy it.

The moment journaling becomes and chore and you resent it is the moment that it no longer benefits or helps you. If you force the self-care practice you may get some benefits, but you will not get the full value of a journal.

Keep journaling fun by having a journal you love picking up or by researching journal prompts and journal topics. Also explore some of the many tips of journaling – if bullet journaling isn’t for you, maybe a transition to creative journaling will be a welcomed changed. There is no pre-determined best practices for what journaling will work best for you. If journaling becomes a chore, you can shift your practice to fit your needs so you continue to gain the long term self-love and self-care benefits from the practice.

9. Write for Yourself

You journal is for one person and that is you! You don’t have to put a lock on your journal or hide it away, but you have to remember that the only reason you are writing is you – your self-love, your self-care practice, your mental health.

If you don’t want to write about something, don’t write about it. If you want to write monthly, do it. If you want to doodle at the end of ever entry, do it.

You control your journaling practice. At the end of the day you get out of journaling what you put into it. You may not want the same outcome of your journaling as a friend of family member, or even a stranger. When you journal, it’s most important to remember that this is something for you and for nobody else!

10. Stick to What Works for You!

Journaling is not one size fits all. In order to make sure you are making the most of your won journaling practice, you need to consistently analyze what is and what isn’t working for you.

Whether it is evaluating your progress and what you are getting out of your journaling practice or revisiting how much time you devote to this self-care practice on a daily or weekly level. In order to get the most out of journaling especially as a beginner, you need to reflect, learn and adjust.

This is ongoing! What works for you one year, may not be the same thing that fits into your schedule the next year. There’s no shame in having to change a routine or shift your journaling practice.

Finding Your Perfect Journal

I hope you stick to journaling and fall in love with whatever type you choose! I have curated some adorable journals from Amazon, so if you are eager to get started you can order one off Prime today! There are a wide array of selections – colors, designs, sizes, lined, unlined – that should help in guiding you to find the journal that is best for you! You can check out the Amazon storefront, here!

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Manifestation Affirmations

15 Best Manifestation Affirmations to Use Daily

Affirmations are powerful statements that help align our thoughts with out actions. Using affirmations can help you reach your goals and help keep you in a positive mindset. Practicing affirmations can also aid in manifestation. Your thoughts have the power to become things, and that is what manifestation preaches.

One thing to remember about manifestation is that you can try to manifest $1,000,000, but it won’t suddenly appear. You need to put action behind your thoughts and work to make your manifestation dreams come true. A great place to start is by using manifestation affirmations. Using these powerful manifestation affirmations means that you are putting in the ground work to align your thoughts and your actions.

Here are 15 Manifestation Affirmations for you to add to your practice!

  1. I am living in abundance and it flows effortless to me every day.
  2. I am in control of my thoughts and am creating a life that I desire.
  3. My dreams are becoming reality every single day.
  4. I am capable of achieving everything I desire.
  5. What is meant for me is on its way to me.
  6. I am attracting all that is good for me and love the life that I live.
  7. I have created the life that I have dreamt. My new reality is now.
  8. There are no barriers between me and my goals. I achieve everything I put my mind too.
  9. I exist in a higher vibration. My energy attracts all that is meant for me.
  10. Love, Abundance, and Positivity come into my life effortlessly.
  11. I am living the life I love with all the gifts the universe has brought me.
  12. My life is one I dreamt of and I am thankful for the blessings every single day.
  13. I release all that no longer serves me to make room for what is meant for me.
  14. I am a magnet for my dreams.
  15. I am happy. I am fulfilled. I have everything that I could ask for and more.

Journaling Your Affirmations

Affirmations can be spoken, written, or both! I personally enjoy writing down my affirmations multiple times every morning. Not only at I speaking them to myself, but I am writing them on paper. Having a journal that speaks to you and motivates you to pick it up and write is something that can evolve your practice with affirmations. Writing down all that you are grateful for before you write down your affirmations is a great way to raise your vibration and be in a positive mindset. This is so powerful when using affirmations! I’ve curated a list of you great journals that I hope can inspire you to start journaling with your affirmations.

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Positive Affirmations for the Day

Positive Affirmations for the Day That You Didn’t Know You Needed

If you are looking for a little extra positivity in your life, then you are in the right place.

Positive Affirmations are statements that help align your thoughts with your actions. They can help you achieve goals you never thought possible.

Adding positive affirmations to your life is a fairly simple process. You can repeat them during a morning meditation or a nighttime meditation. You can also write down positive affirmations in a journal. You can write it down on a post-it note and hang it on your mirror. You can repeat an affirmation as needed throughout the day to calm your thoughts.

There are various methods of using positive affirmations. You can implement affirmations into your daily life however you see fit. Aligning your thoughts and actions can breed some powerful results.

Whether you desire abundance or love, positive affirmations can help lead you in the right direction to receive whatever it is that you are hoping for.

Here are some positive affirmations for the day that you can use in your own self love practice.

Positive Affirmations for the Day That You Didn’t Know You Needed

  1. I am worthy of everything that I desire
  2. I am confident in all I do
  3. My past is not a reflection of my future
  4. I am living the life that I am dreamed of
  5. Abundance flows to me effortlessly
  6. I am strong and capable
  7. I embrace the goodness in every day
  8. I can accomplish all that I set out to do
  9. There is nothing that can stop me from reaching my goals
  10. The universe is guiding me down the path I am meant to be on
  11. I embrace the challenges I will face
  12. I accept myself exactly how I am
  13. I can be anything that I want to be
  14. I am strong
  15. I am beautiful
  16. I treat myself kindly and with compassion
  17. I love myself for who I am
  18. I am good enough and worthy of accomplishing all that I desire
  19. Following my intuition will lead me where I am meant to be
  20. I love what I do every day
  21. I am excited for what this new day holds
  22. I am thankful for today’s experiences and what I have learned
  23. I release what no longer serves me
  24. I feel confident in my own skin
  25. All I need is within me

Journaling Your Affirmations

Affirmations can be spoken, written, or both! I personally enjoy writing down my affirmations multiple times every morning. Not only are I speaking them to myself, but I am writing them on paper. Having a journal that speaks to you and motivates you to pick it up and write is something that can evolve your practice with affirmations. Writing down all that you are grateful for before you write down your affirmations is a great way to raise your vibration and be in a positive mindset. This is so powerful when using affirmations! I’ve curated a list of you great journals that I hope can inspire you to start journaling with your affirmations.

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Choosing Your Positive Affirmations for the Day

Choosing Your Positive Affirmations for the Day

Affirmations are a practice that I strongly stand by, you all know this by now. The act of aligning your thoughts to your goals, means the actions will follow. Many use affirmations for manifestation or to channel more positive energy into their life.

Using positive affirmations is one piece of the puzzle, but choosing which positive affirmation you will use is a totally different ball game. In order to select or create a positive affirmation that resonates most with you, you have to get some inspiration. Think about :

  • What You Desire Most
  • What Positivity Means to You
  • How You Want Your Day to Be
  • What Makes a ‘Good Day’
  • What Part of Your Life Do You Want to Add Positivity to
  • How Will Added Positivity Make You Feel
  • What Emotions Are Present When You Feel Positive Energy

An affirmation should be a statement that aligns your emotions and thoughts with the goal at hand. An affirmation should be in the present tense, as if you are already living in the moment and feeling the emotions you would feel if it were already your reality. When you start to feel the end result and relish in that blissful moment of your desired state, you can start to begin to make those emotions real and part of your everyday.

Where to Find Positive Affirmations for the Day?

There are many places to look for positive affirmations. This blog has tons of posts with affirmations! A quick google search can also pull up tons for you to look through. A great to place find positive affirmations is Instagram. Check out these two accounts that share tons of spiritual content including affirmations based on astrology.



Ideas for Positive Affirmations for the Day

  1. I am excited for all the awaits me in this new day.
  2. I feel joy in all aspects of my life.
  3. My positive energy radiates to all those around me.
  4. I attract all that is meant for me and am thankful for all good things to come.
  5. Positivity surrounds me at work and I am focused and productive at my desk.
  6. The universe blesses me with exactly what I need when I need it. I am excited for each gift the universe puts in my path.
  7. I release all stagnant and negative energy to make room for positive energy.
  8. I do not let negativity take control of my thoughts. I allow negative thoughts pass through and not stay in my head.
  9. I start each day with a positive outlook and carry it with me through the day, no matter what happens.
  10. Negativity has no place to stay in my body. I release what no longer serves me.
  11. I feel happy and fulfilled every day from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed.
  12. I surround myself with positive people who bring out the best in me.
  13. I am in control of my thoughts and do not let opinions of others affect how I view myself.
  14. I am open to receiving all that the universe has in store for me. I welcome it with open arms.
  15. I am excited for this new day.

Journaling Your Affirmations

Affirmations can be spoken, written, or both! I personally enjoy writing down my affirmations multiple times every morning. Not only am I speaking them to myself, but I am writing them on paper. Having a journal that speaks to you and motivates you to pick it up and write is something that can evolve your practice with affirmations. Writing down all that you are grateful for before you write down your affirmations is a great way to raise your vibration and be in a positive mindset. This is so powerful when using affirmations! I’ve curated a list of you great journals that I hope can inspire you to start journaling with your affirmations.

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30 Journal Prompts for January

30 Best Journaling Prompts for January

There’s no better way to spend some quality me-time than by journaling. There’s something therapeutic about writing down our thoughts and feelings. Some of those that we feel comfortable talking about out loud and others that we may have supressed.

Journaling has a large amount of mental health benefits. Expressing emotions and feelings that we may not feel comfortable sharing but still need to release is one way, but journaling can also provide direction. Goal setting & tracking, manifesting, & sharing gratitude are all effective ways to journal also. These journaling practices can help you focus on your goals and gain clarity into exactly what it is that you want.

Sometimes journaling comes more naturally than others. It may seem like you are pulling teeth to write a few words. That is totally okay and natural. Sometimes we have more to say on one day than others. Journal prompts are a great way to spark motivation to journal and get some fresh thoughts flowing from your head to the paper. If you are a beginner or advanced, journal prompts can help you throughout your journaling practice.

The New Year is a great time to start a journal! You can set intentions for the New Year and document your feelings and progress toward your goals.

30 Best Journaling Prompts for January

Goal Setting Journal Prompts for January

  1. 5 things I want to accomplish in January are…
  2. Write a ‘Success Plan’ to reach one of your January Goals
  3. Describe your ideal ‘job’ you would like to have this year
  4. Write down how it feels when you finally complete your goals
  5. What is your New Years Resolution? Why did you select it?

Self Love Journal Prompts for January

  1. My favorite personality trait of myself is… I love this about myself because…
  2. Write 5 things you are proud of yourself for.
  3. What is your morning routine? What would you like to add or change about it?
  4. Thank yourself for 3 things you’ve recently done within the past 30 days.
  5. Create 10 affirmations for self love that are meaningful to you.

Manifesting Journal Prompts for January

  1. Pick one goal you have for January. Write down how you will accomplish it and how you will feel at each step.
  2. Describe you ideal life partner
  3. Describe you dream house
  4. Write down 15 things you are grateful for
  5. Write down your New Years Resolutions. How will it feel to accomplish every one?

Fitness Journey Journal Prompts for January

  1. List and Explain 5 Ways you can be more active in your life
  2. What are 5 Reasons why you want to lose weight
  3. What keeps you motivated in the gym when you feel like quitting?
  4. How are you maintaining your diet? How often have you cheated?
  5. Why did you start your fitness journey?

Financial Journal Prompts for January

  1. What is your financial savings goal for January? What are you saving for?
  2. If you had infinite income, what would be the first 3 things you spent money on?
  3. When you think about money, how do you feel? Describe it in detail.
  4. Create 3 financial goals you’d like to accomplish this New Year.
  5. What do you spend the most money on every month? Why?

Reflection Journal Prompts for January

  1. List 10 things you are proud of yourself for from last year
  2. Write about a time you were disappointed in yourself. How did you overcome it?
  3. What are 3 lessons you learned last year? What are you taking with you into the New Year?
  4. What did last year mean to you?
  5. List 3 challenges you faced last year. Describe what it meant to you to complete them.

Looking for Some Journals to Get Started?

I’ve curated some of my favorite Journals for Amazon for you guys. They range from classic, cute, and motivational. One thing that keeps my motivated to continue writing in my journal is having a journal that I love. I hope some of these can resonate with you! You can view all of the journals here at my Amazon Storefront.

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25 Positive New Years Affirmations

25 Positive Affirmations for New Years

The New Year is right around the corner and so is your chance to start off this new cycle on the right foot. Affirmations have been seen as a tool to help adjust your mindset to help you reach whatever goal you set for yourself. Repeating affirmations can help align your mindset with your actions. New Years is a great time to set positive affirmations. They can help steer your thoughts in a positive direction and replace some of the negativity that may go through your thoughts every now and then.

Check out some ideas for New Years Affirmations!

New Years Affirmations

I am excited for new beginnings and open to all goods things to come.

I embrace change and look forward to this new chapter.

I am open to receiving whatever the universe has in store for me.

I attract abundance and it is drawn to me.

What is meant for me will be mine. What is not meant for me will no longer be mine.

I am ready for all challenges that I will face in the New Year.

I leave behind all that no longer serves me in the past year.

The partner I seek, is also seeking me.

My mindset is positive and I am focused on completing all of my goals.

I will achieve my New Years Resolutions.

My positivity about the New Year is contagious.

I wake up every day feeling positive and happy.

The universe continues to bless me with exactly what I need all year long.

I attract everything that is meant for me.

I create my own reality and am in charge of my own destiny.

The opinions of others have no effect on me.

I am surrounded by people that love and support me.

I am ready for a fresh new start.

I eagerly await all that is meant for me this year.

I am excited to transform into my best self.

There’s is nothing that can get between me and accomplishing my goals.

This New Year, I will not be afraid to chase my dreams.

I exist in a higher vibration. I only attract others who live in a higher state of being.

I am eager to learn what awaits me in the New Year.

I believe that everything will work out for me.

Journaling Your Affirmations

Affirmations can be spoken, written, or both! I personally enjoy writing down my affirmations multiple times every morning. Not only are I speaking them to myself, but I am writing them on paper. Having a journal that speaks to you and motivates you to pick it up and write is something that can evolve your practice with affirmations. Writing down all that you are grateful for before you write down your affirmations is a great way to raise your vibration and be in a positive mindset. This is so powerful when using affirmations! I’ve curated a list of you great journals that I hope can inspire you to start journaling with your affirmations.

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Quality Me-Time

8 Ideas For Some Much Needed ‘Me-Time’

I think everyone knows by now that I am a big advocate for self love and self care practices. I big part of that is just falling in love with yourself and not being afraid to spend time by yourself. It can be a scary place being along with you thoughts with no distraction, but sifting through the noise and sitting at peace with yourself is a very powerful. Any self love practice starts with learning to enjoy ‘me-time’ or alone time.

It takes a little bit of time to really get comfortable being by yourself and truly enjoying ‘me-time.’ It is easy to find comfort being with people 24/7 – friends, coworkers, your significant other, but it’s necessary to check in with yourself from time to time and hang out solo! Learning to enjoy time alone have a multitude of benefits, physically and mentally. When things get hectic it’s nice to just relax by yourself and treat yourself!

In the craziness of today’s world it is not a bad idea to spend time with the one’s you love like family and friends, but what about some much needed

Head to the Gym

Nothing clears your head like a workout does. Whether you are lifting weights or walking on a treadmill, get your body moving. Throwing your headphones on and listening to your favorite music while zoning out and focusing totally on yourself is why I think gyms were made. Going to the gym solo is a great form os self-love and a great excuse for some me-time. Adding solo gym workouts to your daily routine can help boost your energy and also reduce stress.

Plan a Movie Night

Not feeling going anywhere? That’s fine! Plan a movie night in. Grab you’re favorite meal for dinner, maybe a bottle of wine, and cozy up for a movie night! Netflix is popping out awesome movies left and right, so watch one you’ve never seen before or pick a classic and rewatch it for the 100th time. Make sure you leave your phone in another room so you can really check-out from the world around you and just enjoy time by yourself.

Start a New Craft Project

It always refreshing when you get to explore your own creativity. When we were younger, art projects and crafts were staples in childhood! As an adult we sometimes forget that it’s very enjoyable and relaxing to be creative and shut off that side of our brain. To really spend some creative me-time with yourself, run to Michaels or AC Moore and pick up a new craft project. Maybe you want to learn how to crochet or knit, or paint a picture, maybe make a dream catcher, whatever it is spend some time with yourself exploring your creative side.

Take Yourself Out to Dinner

Want to spoil yourself? Take yourself out to dinner! Whether you get a table for 1 or, the less scary option, sit down at the bar by yourself, treat yourself at your favorite restaurant or one you’ve never tried before. Sometimes just sitting with yourself without any distractions is the best way to spend some me-time, plus a solid meal doesn’t hurt either.


Treat yourself to some me-time by scheduling a manicure and pedicure at your local nail salon. This is such a quick way to spend some me-time and disconnect from all the stimuli that is around you. For tops 1 hour, you are forced to be pampered and relax. If you have more time and money to spend on yourself you can even look into a spa day. At first glance, this may seem like an unnecessary expense, but taking this time for yourself is an act of self love and it can even boost your mood and your confidence.

Solo Coffee Date

Having trouble disconnecting in the morning? Work stress is on overload? Spending some me-time at your local coffee shop is a great way to start the day off on the right foot. Whether you’re getting espresso or a tea, slowing down for 10/15 minutes and sitting by yourself enjoying the moment is a great way to spend some alone time. You’ll feel refreshed and refocused and ready to start the day.

Walk Though Town

A great way to spend some me-time is getting outside and breathing in some fresh air. Changing your scenery and moving your body and two ways to really settle down and relax from the craziness of the day. If you live in the city walk around the block to your nearest park or if you’re in the suburbs walk around your neighborhood. I find this the best during midday, right around lunch, when the sun is shining and you’ve been busy doing whatever you’ve had to do all morning. Take a solo walk through town and enjoy some much needed me-time.

Take a Yoga Class

Yoga combines so much – breath work, meditation, stretching, and activeness – everything that can help you relax and disconnect. Yoga is an ideal activity for some me-time. Even if you’re in a group class in a studio environment, the focus is always on yourself and zoning out listening to your body is a great way to spend me-time. You’ll leave feeling refreshed and ready for the day, or the new day if you take a night class!

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3 Reasons why you may need a mental reset

3 Reasons Why You May Need a Mental Reset

Living in New York means that everything is also go, go, go. There’s not opportunity to slow down because everyone around you is in a race to get to wherever they are going. You could be going to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks, in no rush, but end up hustling there and then getting impatient waiting in line. There’s always a feeling that you need to hurry up in New York. I recently spent sometime in Stowe, Vermont and it reminded me about why I need to slow down.

The brief 3 day trip was a friendly reminder to just enjoy where you are and what’s around you. No one’s in a rush to do anything, even when people around you are rushing around like in New York, there’s no need to take part. Just stepping away from New York was an incredible opportunity for a Mental Reset. I wasn’t even aware that I needed one because of how caught up with my day to day I was.

Stepping back and resetting mentally is a great exercise and has lots of positive benefits. It can decrease anxious thoughts and stress levels, allow clear vision around an entire circumstance (not just a one sided view), and can help release negativity and leave room for positivity! Sometimes, like me, you might not realize that you are in need of a mental reset. So what exactly is a mental reset? A mental reset is when you take a step back from your normal responsibilities so you can take a break from your typical focuses of the day. This would be work, school, friendships, relationships, anything that can quietly consume your thoughts and time.

Mental resets are a great practice for self-love and self-care, but it’s benefits go well beyond that. Here are 5 reasons that may indicate that you need a quick mental reset!

3 Things That Indicate You May Need a Mental Reset

1. Your Thoughts are Fixated Around One Topic.

Ever have a thought about, a person, project at work, topic from school, something a friend said, just swirling around in your head? This topic can start as a small thought, but then it snowballs into something that you can’t control. It consumes your thoughts and starts taking over your actions, then suddenly it’s all you’ve been none stop thinking about for hours. This may be slightly exaggerated for some, but you get the point.

When you lose control of your thoughts and find yourself constantly circling back to one thought, it may be time for a mental reset. Let’s say you’ve been working on a big presentation at work on your company’s new products and nothing seems to be going right. Every night, you go to sleep thinking of ways to adjust the slides and tweak the verbiage. Every morning, you wake up and feel an urge that you have to open up your computer and immediately begin working on the task. You’ve become so fixated on one topic, that you are incapable of thinking of anything else and thinking about spending the tiniest amount of time on something else isn’t an option. This a very clear indicator that a mental reset is needed.

What will a Mental Reset do?

Having a mental reset when you are fixated on a singular topic or idea will force you to place your thoughts elsewhere. Prioritize your mental health and well being be acknowledging the overload in your head, and remove yourself from what’s happening. Sometimes when you focus too much on one thing, you become closed off to other ideas and may have trouble coming up with solutions. The mental reset, it could be a walk, a brief meditation, or listening to music to disconnect, can help you see the big picture, see clearer, and can force you to step back from what is currently engulfing your thoughts.

2. You Have a Short Temper With People You Typically Don’t Have a Short Temper With.

When we have an overwhelming amount of thoughts or worries floating around our heads, it can be daunting to deal with anything else. If someone brings something to you, and your first reaction is that you want nothing to do with it, it may be time to assess if a mental reset is needed. We may not realize how overloaded our thoughts are at first because it’s become natural to try to balance one million things at once. Like a game of Jenga, it’s a careful balancing act when all of a sudden one move can force it to totally collapse. In this scenario, Jenga is your brain balancing all your thoughts, the one move that knocks it over is someone bringing something up to you, and the total collapse is your short temper erupting.

The short temper is just a side effect of stress and being overwhelmed. There’s just so much going on a once, and you may have to manage all of it, that the only outlet you have is lashing out. Obviously, sometimes we always have short tempers with a select few people, but when the short temper starts to pop up with people that really don’t ever get on your nerves that may be a clear sign to take a mental reset.

What will a Mental Reset do?

Having a mental reset in this scenario will clear your thoughts and give some more space to handle other things. Sometimes we have old stagnant things stuck in our thoughts that need to be let go. The mental reset can be journalling about what is taking up your thoughts, removing yourself from the stimuli around you and going for a drive, or again, meditation. Allowing yourself to allow thoughts to pass through and not get stuck in your head can help clear room to process other things that may be thrown your way.

3. The Thought of Interacting With Others is Daunting.

There is a fine line with this one, because a little alone time is always nice especially when we are feeling overwhelmed. When the isolation becomes so persistent and becomes a daily habit for a substantial amount of time, it may be time for a mental reset. When the thought of engaging with others seems so overwhelming that you would rather stay home or cancel plans, you may be in need of a mental reset. When we are over stimulated, sometimes a reaction is to try to shut off everything that is around us and isolate.

This isolation, when it is a repeated behavior and occurring a lot over long stretches of time, can be determine to both physical and mental health. As social creatures, being deprived of social interaction can lead too depression like symptoms and feeling constantly alone. Being too overwhelmed about interacted with anyone can sometimes be shown when you stray away from participating in things you once loves, like the gym or activities around town.

What will a Mental Reset do?

When we are being over stimulated and can only fathom being around ourselves, it may be important to have a mental reset. Mental Resets in this scenario are going to be different than the ones above. They allow you to reconnect and get through the cloudy mess that’s happening inside your brain. The mental reset can be calling a parent or a loved one to talk or even inviting your best friend over for a movie night. Spending quality time with those you love the most can help you see what really matters the most and help you weed out some of the things that are overwhelming you, but in reality don’t really matter too much.

Everyone has different triggers that could set off feeling overwhelmed. These are just a few examples that can possibly help you identify your own actions that may indicate that you need to disconnect for a bit. One major one for me personally is my eating patterns. When I notice myself not eating or being hungry, I know my head is overflowing with too many thoughts. It’s about listening to yourself and learning what you’re body is trying to tell you.

Take that break if you need it! It will make you more productive in the long run.

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