
Hi, I’m Tina Fey!

Yes, my name is Tina Fey. And no, I’m not related to the real Tina Fey. But for real, if anyone knows the real Tina Fey, let me know because I would love to meet her!

You can find me somewhere on the East Coast on any given day. I live between Long Island and Vermont, and the mileage on my Jeep might give you a heart attack. I love beach volleyball, snowboarding, and all things automotive especially off-roading & F1.

I’m 32 years old and have a career in technology, in the SaaS space. When I am not working, I’m always searching for a new adventure, on or off road. I don’t want to say that I live for the weekends, but I live for my next adventure, whenever or whatever it may be.

I’m a firm believer in finding your happiness and making what you want become a reality. You’re on your path for a reason. You might not know the end destination, but at the end of the day you will get to where you’re supposed to be going. That’s what makes life so much fun (but also crazy at times).

I’m pretty spontaneous and there’s no telling what my next move will be, literally. Follow along here for updates on where I’m at, all my adventures, my crazy life, and everything else that pops into my head!

Instagram – @teenafey