Using Affirmations in Your 30s, positive affirmations in your 30s, self love in your 30s, live you best life in your 30s

Here’s Why You Should Use Affirmations in Your 30s

Ever feel like life’s throwing you more curveballs than you can handle? Just one after another… Well, you’re not alone. Whether it’s work, relationships, or just the general chaos of adulting, change is the name of the game in your 30s.

There’s a secret weapon we all need: affirmations. Affirmations sometimes get a bad reputation sometimes – people think they are dumb or crazy, and i get it! It’s about speaking things into existence and shifting your mindset, some people just aren’t at a point yet where they truly understand that your thoughts are so powerful that they can impact your actions. Spoiler Alert : those little snippets of positivity that can turn a ‘blah’ day into your best day yet.

So, if you’re feeling a bit stuck in the mud, wondering if this is all there is to your career or relationships, or if you just want to keep that awesome 30s vibe going strong, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the world of affirmations and how they can be your trusty sidekick in navigating this wild ride called adulthood.

4 Reasons to Use Affirmations in Your 30s

Change is All Around You.

When you are in your 30’s you start to see changes in your life – work, family, friends, romantic. Change in life is inevitable and sometimes it is not necessarily the changes we were hoping to see in our life. Maybe at work, your dream job ended up being a giant energy suck and you are questioning your self-worth in your professional life. You might be seeing some of your friends getting more distant as they enter their own romantic relationships and start families. You might be in that same place, you also might not be. You could have met someone who is the love of your life and you’re thinking about settling down, or the opposite, you may have to end a relationship you invested a lot of time into that you thought was the one.

Regardless of the change that you are experiencing or those closest to you are experiencing, there is constant inevitable change that is going on. Sometimes change can bring us into a headspace where we talk down to ourselves or start to experience symptoms of imposter syndrome. Affirmations can help bring your thoughts back to a space where you will be able to better handle any changes that are thrown your way in your 30s.

Maybe You Feel Stuck.

The quarter-life crisis is a real thing – some will experience this more significantly than others when you get into your 30s. I was recently talking to a friend who was struggling at work – they had been at the same company for over 5 years and not once gotten a promotion of title or pay. It was affected their confidence in their work and longevity of their career. They started to doubt themselves and their future visions where it came to the career. They said, “what if this is all I am good for?,” “Did I even choose the right profession and industry?,” “I thought I was going to have more to show for myself at this point in my life.” Work is not the only thing that you can invest a lot of time into leading up to and into your 30s, maybe you feel stuck in a relationship or a friendship that once was your best is shifting away.

Affirmations can help build back confidence, even when you are at your lowest. Words are incredibly powerful and thoughts do become things. Using affirmations when you feel stuck is a tool to help reset your mind and is so incredible helpful in your 30s.

You Want to Hold onto Your Positive Mindset.

The great thing about your 30s is that it is the absolute best time. I thought my 20s were the highlight of my adult life but I was not even prepared for the joy I would gain from living in my 30s. Life is not always perfect as we all know, but if you are looking to continue riding the high of your 30s, then using affirmations is a self love tool that you can adopt into your own routines. You don’t need to be in a low place to harness the power of affirmations, affirmations are a tool that can keep you from falling into a low place.

Life is Hectic.

There’s so much happening and life gets absolutely hectic, especially in your 30s. When life gets hectic, between all of the responsibilities that you are trying to juggle in your 30s, the first person that we always neglect is ourselves. Between running around town, making sure bills are payed, spending quality time with friends and family, and everything else that you may have going on in your life, harnessing the power of affirmations can take 5 minutes and can help clear your mind to manage and take care of all the things you need to do on a daily basis.

Affirmations promote self love and are a great way to evolve your self care routine – whether it’s a pep talk in the morning or writing affirmations in a journal, you can incorporate Affirmations in your life to help keep you in the best mental state possible while you manage the craziness of life.

How to Start Using Affirmations in Your 30s

Interested in trying out affirmations in your 30s? Here are 4 ways to start embracing the power of affirmations in your 30s.

Grab Post-It’s and Place Them on Your Mirror

Need a reminder in the morning? Want your first thoughts to be ones that set your mindset right before starting the day? Throw an affirmation on a post it and stick it on your mirror. It will be the first thing you see after you get out of bed and can be the reminder you need to be your best. I found it fun to put affirmations inside the visor on the car, they are hidden but I also know they are there and I love to look at them every time I get into my car.

Some of my favorite affirmations for the morning are

If you need post-its, I got you. Colored post-its make affirmations more fun!

Read “The Universe Has Your Back” by Gabrielle Bernstein

I can’t recommend this book enough. Gabrielle Bernstein taps into her own personal experiences and shares her own journey with spiritually and self-love. The lessons and stories are so relatable and force you to really face emotions or situations that you may have swept under the rug. Transforming fear into faith is the theme of this book, but it teaches you to approach life through love and not hate. Understanding what it means to you when you are operating out of fear or operating out of love was enlightening for me and I am sure that others will find it powerful as well.

You’re probably wonder who this has anything to do with affirmations – and it has a bunch. Throughout the book, Gabrielle Berstein shares meditations and affirmations that you can use to help take on some of the practices in your won life. It’s a great introduction to shifting your mindset and embracing the power of your own thoughts. If you are looking for something to kickstart your own self love practice or spiritual journey, The Universe Has Your Back is a great place to start.

Buy “The Universe Had Your Back” here. You will not regret it!

Start Journaling

I could go on about journaling forever, journaling’s benefits are incredible but let’s stick to affirmations. Writing your affirmations is even more powerful than just saying them or reading them. When you write words down you are speaking them in your head, you are physically writing them, and you are re-reading what you just wrote down. This repeated behavior just amplifies that power of affirmations. Even writing an affirmation once or twice can change your thinking!

My favorite affirmations to journal :

If you want some tips to start journaling in your 30s, you can read my blog about it!

Talk to Yourself

Give yourself a pep talk. Just start talking to yourself! But make sure it is positive.

Affirmations aid is shifting your mindset and not only can they be written in a journal, but also spoken. You can talk to yourself in your head or even have a little chat out loud with yourself when you are driving in your car. The more you speak about your desires and the ultimate state you want to be in, the quicker it will come to existence. You don’t need to go through an internal diatribe, just a few short sentences!

Some of my favorite brief affirmations are :

Continue Reading About Self Love in Your 30s…

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